Any telenovela viewer knows that in order for a telenovela to succeed, a love triangle must exists. Usually this love triangle consists of the protagonist and the antagonist falling in love with the same guy or girl. Recently however, the concept of a love triangle has begun to change in order to entice viewers even more into watching a telenovela. In the telenovela I am currently watching, called Sin Tetas No Hay Paraiso, the love triangle is something I have never experienced before. Albeiro, the protagonist’s childhood boyfriend falls for her mother, Doña Hilda. I totally did not expect this to happen. In the first few episodes I thought that the love triangle would be between Catalina, Albeiro, and one of the drug dealers. The writers totally put a twist on the classic scenario of love triangles and the hardships that they bring for the characters.
When I first started to notice the chemistry these two characters had towards each other I was extremely disturbed. Not only was the age difference between Albeiro and Doña Hilda something I did not feel comfortable with, the fact that he was Catalina’s first love made it even worse. As the story progressed I began to root for Albeiro’s and Doña Hilda’s relationship. I could see that they genuinely cared about one another. However, the sacred relationship between a mother and a daughter was ruined. In any society, especially in Latin America, where women are seen loving and nurturing towards their children, falling in love with their child’s love interest is taboo.
As an audience member I just did not know what to think. Catalina was a horrible girlfriend and Albeiro deserved better, but falling for her mother might have taken it too far. Doña Hilda and Albeiro were there for each other as they watched Catalina take the wrong path in life and they could not do anything to stop her. In a way I feel that their mutual love for Catalina brought them together. Both characters had someone that was going through the same emotions and confusion as they saw the drastic change in Catalina’s demeanor and attitude towards those around her. Even with all these factors their love seems wrong to me. As I watch more of the telenovela I am looking forward to seeing how their relationship progresses and how Catalina reacts when she finds out what is going on. I don’t think anyone expects their mom to steal their boyfriend no matter the situation. In addition to this, I want to learn more about how the public perceived this love triangle. I feel that they probably had a similar reaction. They were happy that Albeiro and Doña Hilda were together, but at the same time a bit disturbed over the nature of the relationship.

It was disturbing , plus am I the only one who would roll my eyes every time her bf would put interrupt while the mother scolded her ? He was so annoying .. In my opinion .
ReplyDeleteBasically he was always putting his two cents into the conversation..